
One can find the accounting interface by using the dropdown menu in the upper right hand corner. However, one must be an organization level administrator to see this option or make this selection.

After making this selection, one can see the account edit form as shown below.

Here, you can change the accounting settings for the organizatin:

  • Billing email
  • Subscription plan level
  • Billing method
  • Activity

You may change the following settings:

  • Change the billing email. This will change whom we send invoices to.
  • Change the subscription plan. This will change the billing rates and resource limits from the previous pricing model.
  • Toggling the billing method. This will either make automatic deductions from the credit card on file (e.g. "hassle-free invoicing") or will require manual payments each month. Invoices are communicated via email in either case. If "hassle-free invoicing" is not selected, it will be necessary to provide electronic payment every month. We encourage you to opt for "hassle-free invoicing" so that you never have to worry about experiencing any interruptions in service.

Lastly, it is possible to suspend or reactivate your service at any time.

The billing cycle responds in an appropriately dynamic manner to any changes in subscripiton level or activity, effectively canceling old subscriptions and starting a new one and billing appropriately.