Configuring Subscribers

The following fields are available for specification on a subscriber:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email(s)
  • Phone number(s)

The first and last name are fairly self-explanatory.


One can enter zero, one, or multiple emails. Each one can be individually enabled or disabled from receiving notifications. Emails are embedded as a notion within subscribers.


Phone numbers follow the same pattern as emails, e.g. one can provide zero, one, or multiple phone numbers, and each one can have SMS messaging enabled or disabled individually.

Phone Numbers

As mentioned before in the section on resource limits. The DWAS system will enforce limits on the number of subscribers in accordance with your pricing tier. You are free to adjust your pricing tier at any time. You can find more details about that in the accounting section.

Now that we a subscriber configured, let's move onto the final step of configuring an alert.