Configuring Alerts

The following fields are available for specification on an alert

  • Name
  • Start time
  • End time
  • Point Collection(s)
  • Rule(s)
  • Subscriber(s)

As previously discussed, alerts are best understood by the entities that are connected together by them.

They require a unique name and an optional start and end time. One should note that the start and end time pertain to the time that the alert is evaluated and whether to withold a notification or not. It does pertain to the lookahead window of the weather rule. They can be saved with just a name, but do not become actively recognized by the backend processing engine until they are bound to at least one of each of the entities that define them - such as point collections, rules, and subscribers. A properly configured alert with appropriate bindings is shown below.


We now have a properly configured alert and our subscribers will start to receive notifications! Sally Tester will now be notified when one of the southern stores of interest sees atypically cold weather. Yay, we're starting to sense the power and flexibility of DWAS!

Let's explore a very powerful feature that makes it possible to connect DWAS to your own systems.