Bulk Uploads

GeoJSON Files

One may have a large number of points they want to enter into the DWAS service from an outside data source. If one uses the GeoJSON standard format to describe these points, they can upload them en masse to DWAS. In the process, they can bind them to a particular point collection if desired. The interface for doing this shown below.

GeoJSON Upload

A list of previous uploaded GeoJSON files is kept in the database, but it should be noted that only the points (and the binding between points and point collections) that are created are a "first class citizen" in the DWAS entity hierarchy. For this reason, GeoJSON files are not included in the relationship diagram on the dashboard.


To put it another way, there is an immutable one-way flow of information from GeoJSON files to points. One cannot edit an uploaded GeoJSON file once it is uploaded. However, one can edit the points that were brought into the service from a GeoJSON upload.

Ok, great, with that extra feature out of the way we can finally discuss the details of the notifications.